
Demonology is the branch of religious study dealing with demons and beliefs about demons, particularly in a culture and especially from within the context of religion and occult traditions. This entails the categorization of evil beings, their gestation, nature and how they connect with us as human beings. As a field, demonology delves into the functions that these beings serve in different mythologies, religions, and cultural tales of strife between right and wrong.


Shax (or Chax, Shan or Shass) is a demon found in the Ars Goetia, part of the 17th century grimoire The Lesser Key of Solomon. The 44th spirit is this demon amongst the 72 demons summoned by King Solomon. Shax is termed as Great Marquis of Hell and have 30 legions under his command. He comes as a crackling Black Stork or Stock-Dove and is both playfully wily in his insistence on the spy-like skill of lying, and all that rascalery of fowl who steal eggs. At the behest of the conjurer, Shax can remove sight, hearing, and understanding from any person. It is also mentioned that he steals money and brings horses for the magician. But if the summoning can not be commanded into a magic triangle then Shax brings out the deceiver of all conjurers and lies plainly.


Dregvant — In Zoroastrianism, Follower of the Lie (Druj); they are opposed to the followers of Truth (Asha) The word is not a particular demon but one that personifies falsehood and deceit. Dregvant support Angra Mainyu (Ahriman)– the evil spirit, who is declared as being against Ahura Mazda – a personification of good. This idea encapsulates the moral dualism utilized throughout Zoroastrian morality, reflecting the unending battle between honesty and intoxication battling within man's own soul.


Sorath is a demon of the Sun in some esoteric traditions; especially based on occult astrology and anthroposophy, as taught by Rudolf Steiner. Sorath, the Sun Demon, is opposed to all spiritual light and warmth that the blessed sun gives. Sorath is also associated with the number 666 in occult literature, representing the pinnacle of materialism, egotism, and rejection of spiritual truths. He is a reflection of the evil elements that want to prevent human spiritual growth.


Gamaliel [in Kabbalah] the name of one of the Qliphoth (the impure spiritual forces that are opposite to the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life in Kabbalistic demonology). Sephirah = Yesod (foundation and the unconscious) Gamaliel. Whereas Yesod channels pure energy of spirit, Gamaliel perverts this flow and provokes moral corruption and obscene practices. Gamaliel means The Obscene Ones because they are related to the negative forces that distort those creative and generative energies of Yesod.


Druj 한 마리 — Zoroastrian — Falsehood, Deceit and Moral Corruption Druj is the cosmic force of chaos and disorder; thus, Her estranged female counterpart to Asha's truth and righteousness. Druj lures man away from the path of truth and leads him into sin and spiritual corruption. Struggle against the Druj is a central concern of Zoroastrianism: one should strive for truth, purity and the preservation of asha (cosmic order) through good thoughts, words and deeds.


He is Satanael, or Satanail, as he appears in some Gnostic and apocryphal works. That's why he is written as a fallen angel who rebelled against God. Satanael in the Slavonic Book of Enoch (2 Enoch) is depicted as the leader of fallen angels, who was ejected from heaven by God for his arrogance and rebellion. The "-el" means he is an angel —like being. Satanael's tale delves into rebellion, free will, and the source of evil—elements that helped shape later Judeo-Christian views of Satan as the dark adversarial figure.


In Abrahamic faiths, Satan is a prominent figure who embodies evil and rebellion against God. Satan, deriving from the Hebrew word ha-satan —meaning "the adversary" or "the accuser"— takes form in the Hebrew Bible as a figure in God's court who tests human faith. By the time we get to the New Testament, Satan has become God's arch enemy and fallen angel tempting humans into sin and doing everything he can to thwart the purposes of God. Satan is the devil of Christian mythology, frequently identified with the snake in the Garden of Eden and aligned with hellfire, demonic creatures, and that apocalyptic character found at the end of all things per Revelation. In Islamic tradition, this figure is known as Iblis or Shaytan: a jinn who disobeys the command of God to bow to Adam.


Zachariel / Zerachiel (Zarachiel, Zarakel, Zarakael or Saraqael) — one of the archangels in the Book of Enoch and other apocrypha His name translates to "one who commands" (God's command) or, Radiance of God. Zerachiel is linked to guidance, healing, and children protection. Although he is not generally listed as a demon, Zerachiel fits the role of an archangel in opposition to demons. Even in some esoteric traditions, the study of angels — such as Zerachiel — counterbalances demonological studies by pointing to an overarching cosmic equilibrium where forces of good are balanced with forces of evil.


Kabbalah is a practicing of Kabbalistic nature and the magical tradition within Judaism that aims to explain the divine nature of God, world formation, and how it works all possible lengths with human spirit. The essence of Kabbalistic teaching is based on the tree of life, a diagrammatic view of the ten Sephiroth (emanations from God) by which divine infinity unfolds into finite reality. Kabbalah delves into deep ideas of creation, reality and ascension.

The Qliphoth in Kabbalistic demonology, being the dark mirror image of the Sephiroth, embody impure spiritual forces and also act as oppositional force/blockade to spiritual rise. Each has a Qliphah that works in the opposite direction of its many good. Such as where you have Chesed( loving-kindness) which has a Qliphah of excess and imbalance. Qliphoth is the examination of these negative aspects to learn how to either rid ourselves or harness them on the pathway.


Exorcists carry out the exorcisms that are designed to expel demons or evil spirits from people or places will of course said to be possessed. Exorcism customs differ by culture, and religion but commonly include prayers, invocations, and orders to the entity. Within Catholicism, an exorcism is a formal rite conducted by a priest with the permission of a bishop. It describes the procedures for solemn exorcisms based upon the Rituale Romanum.

Another important position in demonology is the exorcist, which needs to act as a translator from physical life to spiritual and vice-versa. They represent the battle against a demon presence, fighting evil through spirituality and ritual. In recent years some modern day exorcists such as Gabriele Amorth, the former chief exorcist of Rome have brought some fame to the practice. Even exorcists have extensive training to filter through what is true possession and what is psychology or illness.